Thursday, July 24, 2008

Three Interested Aussies

want to know what all that PEEPING is about Twelve hatched so far ....

First Six Chicks and One in the Oven!

Chicks Hatching

Not the best of photos, because the camera focuses on the cover of the incubator rather than on what's inside, but these are the first two chicks to hatch. They are so cute!! They keep balancing on top of the other eggs and looking up at me as if to say they want out of their bubble! I'm off to Tractor Supply for some chick food in a bit, and will post more photos later.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My eggs ...


Photos tomorrow .....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How come ...

the hard times in life make such good reading in fiction, but are so NOT fun to live through in real life? If only we could take the approach that the hard times in our own lives are just when the story is "getting good"? LOL!!

I have this devotional that my friend Jennifer gave to me that I just love. It is called Jesus Calling, and is written by Sarah Young, who attended the same seminary as my pastor. ( is the link.) Anyway, it has helped me grow in trusting the Lord with the hard times in my life like no other resource ever has. It focuses me.

I'm reading a fictional western right now called The Time It Never Rained by Elmer Kelton, who is just an exceptional western writer. I honestly believe he is a more skilled, more multi-dimensional author of the western scene than Louis L'amour ever was, and I am a great L'amour fan. This particular book is set in Texas during the 1950s as a seemingly unending drought takes place. (Having just lived through a genuine drought last summer, I can relate!) The "hard times" the protagonist goes through make for good reading. But my own "hard times" are miserable when they occur, and while they do drive me closer to the Lord, I cannot wait for them to pass.

I think about heaven a LOT. Fantasize about what a life without sin will be like. Look FORWARD to the time when that last door, last task of life will be the portal to eternity, to wonders unimagined, to finally, perfected vision.

Heaven by Randy Alcorn, ( while a bit verbose, is an excellent book for anyone who shares my preoccupation with heaven, to read.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rachel's Honors Solo

I am in a hurry, but wanted to post this link: If you have Realplayer on your computer, (available free, download) you can listen to Rachel's honor's solo tonight! The concert starts at 7:00 and will be streaming live over the Internet. This part you will have to imagine ... a darkened auditorium, Rachel in a black evening dress, alone with her French horn on the stage but for her accompanist on a grand piano! If I have breath to take me there, I will be present.

Of course, being Rachel, there is some concern that her playing hand is blue. She was helping a suite mate dye her "tips" the other night, and there were no gloves packaged with the dye, so she just used her hand and guess what ... two days later, it is still blue!

Enjoy, if you can ....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well, after accidentally deleting (permanently, no less), my blogs, I am starting anew. Photo here is of Lily, who, though she lived but two days, seemed worthy of remembrance. She was one of twins, but was rejected by her mother, and all of our efforts to save her were unsuccessful. It can be hard being a shepherd ... very humbling. My Shepherd NEVER fails me!